In person seminar by Dr. Jennilee Gavina
Petrie Building - Room 317How can you as an analytical chemist contribute towards developing lifesaving medicines within the pharmaceutical industry? Let's explore this rewarding career path through learning the whats, whys, and hows. First, we’ll cover some basics about Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and regulatory requirements so we can understand what characteristics of a compound need to be controlled …
In person seminar with Dr. Sachlos
Life Sciences Buliding (LSB) 107Acute myeloid leukemia is a fatal blood cancer. The malignant AML blast cells rapidly overwhelm the bone marrow, disrupting resident hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) and normal blood production and eventually causing death. Treatment involves the administration of DNA-binding chemotherapeutic agents that indiscriminately kill both HSC and progenitors, leading to myelosuppression and ultimately drug dose attenuation. Ideally, drugs should specifically target …
In person seminar with Dr. Simchi
Life Sciences Buliding (LSB) 107CRBI seminar – Dr. Leo Chou
Life Sciences Buliding (LSB) 107CRBI seminar – Philip Britz-McKibbin
Abstract: New advances in analytical chemistry for large-scale epidemiological studies: Insights into nutrition and smoke exposures for global health A suboptimal diet and tobacco smoking are two leading modifiable risk factors in chronic disease burden globally that are typically evaluated using questionnaires by epidemiologists despite being prone to bias and misreporting. This presentation …
CREATE/CRBI joint CONFERENCE JULY 2023 The joint CREATE Technology-Enhanced Pharmaceutical Discovery (TEPD) and CRBI conference was held at York University on Monday July 10th and Tuesday July 11th . Day one included workshops featuring guest speakers from Eurofins, Gilead and GSK. Students were able to learn from industry experts and connect with their peers. Day …
CRBI Seminar - Karen C. Waldron Department of Chemistry, Université de Montréal Crosslinked proteolytic enzymes for microscale proteomics applications Proteolytic enzymes are routinely used to cleave the potentially thousands of proteins in a biological sample into smaller, more manageable peptide fragments. This facilitates their separation and identification by nano-HPLC, capillary electrophoresis (CE) and/or mass spectrometry …
CRBI Seminar - Dr. Martin Schmeing, McGill University Thursday April 25th 2024 Biosynthesis and use of the most interesting polymer you didn’t know existed Abstract: Cyanophycin is a natural product polymer with a poly-aspartate backbone and arginines linked to each Asp side chain. Used in bacteria for storage of fixed nitrogen, carbon and energy, long chains of cyanophycin coalesce into inert, …